Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sleep Talking

    Truth is, I have a deep dark secret.. I talk in my sleep. There, I said it.. It's out there now. I've had the misfortune all my life to have friends, siblings, roommates, and now my dear husband have full on conversations with me in my sleep. Brian just got lucky and recorded this the other night.


  1. Oh my goodness that's AWESOME!!!! :) Mike and I both talk in our sleep. He does math equations and worries about riding unicorns to get the money out of the slosh fund. :) I don't know what I talk about because Mike never remembers to write it down, but everyone in my family knows I talk (and sing and dance) in my sleep. :)
    Thanks for sharing!

  2. This is so funny! Thanks for being brave and sharing!

  3. Haha I love it! Jake is hilarious in his sleep too. My favorite was one time he woke me up because he was yelling what sounded like nananana and when I talked to him he told me he was trying to scare a cat out of a tree. A little bit later that same night he woke up again yelling kind of a awhawh sound and when I asked him what was wrong he told me he was walking a tight rope.:) Hope all is well with you guys! We miss you!


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